Thursday, November 19, 2009

Clannad Quotes Part 1

Here are three quotes from Clannad and Clannad After Story. I was only able to take down three when I watched this anime. I probably missed a lot. I will try to update the quotes from Clannad later on when I rewatch it. For now, enjoy these three beautiful quotes. :D

"Those who pursue truth must not be arrogant. Just because they can't be proven, miracles must not be laughed at. You must not deny your eyes the beauty of this world." - Ichinose Koutarou 

"Love is like a firework from the past… it’s more beautiful for it to go to pieces and scatter far off. "– Nanashi (Katsuki Shima's cat)

 "The world is beautiful... even if it is filled with sadness and tears, open your eyes. Do what you wish to do. Become what you want to be. Make friends. Don't rush, and take your time..." - Ichinose Koutarou

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New blog. Great quote. Wonderful life.

"Compendium" is actually an ambitious word for such a small blog. That's why I'm actually placing the word "my" in the title. Basically, this is a collection of quotes only from anime series that I have watched.

So why write this blog? As an anime lover, I believe that many anime do not offer only an experience of fun or entertainment but also bring valuable lessons to its viewers. I hope that this blog can be a reflection of the various lessons that can be learned from different anime. Probably more important than that, the reason for my writing this blog is simply because I love anime. This blog is to share with people that love - the memories, the fun and the lessons that different anime leave with us.

Quotes? In choosing the quotes I'm going to put in this blog, I plan to follow one simple rule: I will only place quotes/lines that can stand on their own. This means that people who will read the quotes do not need to have watched the anime the quotes are taken from. I basically have three reasons for this:
  1. One anime can have too many meaningful lines in relation to its story. Going through all of them, well, will be very tedious. A website for that particular anime will probably work better for that purpose.
  2. Quotes that only makes sense within the context of the story are better read/heard/seen when actually watching the anime itself. Reading them in a blog outside the story will most likely not produce the best effect.
  3. Quotes that already mean a lot on their own can easily be appreciated by many people. Within the context of the story they're from, they shine even more. Hopefully, this will inspire people to watch anime.
Well, that's it! I look forward to happy blogging and hopefully, many people will actually appreciate this blog. With that, I present to you the first quote of this blog - a favorite quote of mine from Clannad:

"Do you like this school? I really, really love it. But nothing can stay unchanged.... Fun things... Happy things... They can't all possibly stay unchanged. Even so, can you go on loving this place?" - Furukawa Nagisa   
"Just find something. Just find something new that's fun or happy." - Okazaki Tomoya